Online iAHQ Exams

Donnoe & Associates’ online exams are built around a training and experience model. We have branded this as our iAHQ, for internet-based Achievement History Questionnaire. This is a multiple-response, computer scored process that does not require monitoring / proctoring of candidates as they respond to questions. Candidates can complete this iAHQ on a home computer, an iPhone, or any other platform that can reach the internet.

This is a validated testing model that will result in low adverse impact, high quality eligibility lists, high candidate acceptance, and low overall testing costs. Additionally, this approach significantly reduces staff time and work needed to schedule candidates, secure a test location, ensure that social distancing health guidelines for testing are met, as well as reducing the time it takes from publishing an exam bulletin to beginning hiring interviews.

With a low base fee and per-candidate cost, Donnoe & Associates’ Stock iAHQ exams offer an “unproctored” solution for public agencies, which provide a significant cost savings over other online solutions which can cost into the hundreds per candidate (when the cost of AI / webcam proctoring / monitoring is factored in).

Our iAHQ tests clearly identify the better qualified candidate; this is a merit-based test. Scoring of each iAHQ will result in a five-band list. Agencies can use this as the sole test element, then select from the top band(s) to conduct in-depth hiring interviews.

We have the following Stock iAHQ Exams available for Public Agencies:

  • Entry Firefighter
  • Skilled Firefighter EMT
  • Fire Engineer
  • Fire Captain
  • Entry Peace Officer
  • Police Sergeant
  • Correctional Officer
  • Correctional Sergeant
  • Law Enforcement Support
  • Public Safety Dispatcher
  • Entry Clerical
  • Account Clerk
  • Administrative Analyst
  • Maintenance Worker
  • Eligibility Services Assistant
  • Homeless Outreach Coordinator

Fees are similar to our current pricing for Stock Written Test Rental, with a very small base fee then a per candidate charge.