Law Enforcement

Sworn Positions

Entry Peace Officer, L-201

100 items; 1 hour 40 minute time limit.

There is no pre-test study guide for this test. Test administration is very straight-forward, and does not include assessment of candidate’s listening skills (i.e., the proctor does not have read-aloud components).

This test is designed to assist agencies to select candidates for entry to a police academy. For those agencies that require candidates to have a training certificate before testing (e.g., POST Certification), see our Senior Officer / Lateral Entry test (L-332).


Donnoe & Associates, Inc.’s Entry Peace Officer examination design was based a thorough job analysis completed by California Peace Officer Standards and Training, and development of written test questions from work samples and materials from actual academy classes. Next, criterion validity evidence was collected, based on testing of three groups of cadets entering a police academy, then following these classes through to graduation. Here, our test was administered to over 180 cadets, correlated with their performance in all measurements through the academy, and then correlated with their corresponding test performance on the California Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) examinations. Strong evidence of validity was established for measures of academy success. Finally, our test was compared to the California POST peace officers entry test for this same group of 180 cadets. Here, our test is highly correlated with the POST test in all regards.


As most agencies are aware, there is a tendency for candidates to “agency hop” and take entry peace officer exams whenever they are offered. Because of this we have developed alternate forms of this test, and we closely monitor where this test is used, then avoid having neighboring agencies use the same version of the test. This assists in maintaining exam security, and reducing the possibility that an individual candidate would be advantaged, or disadvantaged by the process.


Skilled Police Officer, California, L-431

100 items; 2 hour time limit.

Skilled Police Officer, Outside of California, L-532

100 items; 2 hour time limit.

Police Corporal, California, L-433

100 items; 2 hour time limit.

Police Corporal, Outside of California, L-534

100 items; 2 hour time limit.

Police Detective, California, L-435

100 items; 2 hour time limit.

Police Detective, Outside of California, L-536

100 items; 2 hour time limit

Police Sergeant, California, L-761

100 items; 2 hour time limit.

Police Sergeant, Outside of California, L-762

100 items; 2 hour time limit.

Police Lieutenant / Watch Commander, California, L-871

100 items; 2 hour time limit.

Police Lieutenant / Watch Commander, Outside of California, L-872

100 items; 2 hour time limit.

Non-Sworn Positions

Police Clerk, L-311

100 items; 1 hour 40 minute time limit.

Community Services Officer, L-312

100 items; 1 hour 40 minute time limit.

Parking Enforcement Officer, L-213

100 items; 1 hour 40 minute time limit.

Forensic Specialist, L-521

100 items; 2 hour time limit.

Crime Analyst, L-531

100 items; 2 hour time limit.